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Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. (2) of 2024 Issuing Controls for Trading Transactions of Informed Persons

Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. (2) of 2024

Amiri Decree No. (36) of 2023 Re-organizing the General Authority of Customs

All concerned authorities, each within its jurisdiction, shall implement this Resolution, and it shall be effective from the date of issuance, and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Prime Minister Decision No. (18) of 2023 establishing the Tenders and Auctions Committee at the Ministry of Social Development and Family

Prime Minister Decision No. (18) of 2023

Law No. (11) of 2022 Amending Some Provisions of the Income Tax Law Issued by Law No. (24) of 2018

Law No. (11) of 2022

Amiri Resolution no. (34) of 2022 Regarding the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance

All competent authorities, each in its competency, must implement this resolution. It shall come into force from the date of its issuance, and published in the official gazette.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) of 2022 amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law regulation Tenders and Auctions issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (16) of 2019

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) of 2022 amending the Implementing Regulations of the Law regulation Tenders and Auctions issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (16) of 2019

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) of 2022 determining the transactions in which the use of cash is prohibited

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (10) of 2022 determining the transactions in which the use of cash is prohibited

Law No. (4) of 2022 Regulating the Use of Cash in Transactions

In the application of the provisions of this Law, the following words and terms, the meanings described shall have their respective spouses, unless the context requires another meaning.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (7) of 2022 amending Resolution No. (32) of 2013 naming the Chairman and members of the Grievances Committee of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (7) of 2022 amending Resolution No. (32) of 2013 naming the Chairman and members of the Grievances Committee of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Resolution of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (10) of 2022 to amend Resolution No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and submission of the Master File and the local file

Resolution of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (10) of 2022 to amend Resolution No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and submission of the Master File and the local file

Decision of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (10) of 2022 to amend Resolution No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and submission of the Master File and the local file

Decision of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (10) of 2022 to amend Resolution No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and submission of the Master File and the local file

Minister of Trade and Industry Decision No. (40) of 2022 to Form a Committee to Set the Maximum Prices and Profit Rates

Minister of Trade and Industry Decision No. (40) of 2022 to Form a Committee to Set the Maximum Prices and Profit Rates

Ministry of Finance Decision No. (2) of 2022 regarding the Distinctive Marks to be Placed on Excise Goods

Ministry of Finance Decision No. (2) of 2022 regarding the Distinctive Marks to be Placed on Excise Goods

Emiri Decree No. (15) of 2022 reforming the Board of Directors of the Free Zones Authority

Emiri Decree No. (15) of 2022 reforming the Board of Directors of the Free Zones Authority

Qatar Central Bank Governor Decision No. (99) of 2020 withdrawing banknotes from circulation

Qatar Central Bank Governor Decision No. (99) of 2020 withdrawing banknotes from circulation

Decree No. (52) of 2021 ratifying an agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Rwanda regarding the elimination of double taxation in relation to income taxes and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance

Decree No. (52) of 2021 ratifying an agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Rwanda regarding the elimination of double taxation in relation to income taxes and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance

Qatar Central Bank Governor Resolution No. (12) of 2021 regarding the final approval of the merger of Masraf Al Rayan and Khaleeji Commercial Bank

Qatar Central Bank Governor Resolution No. (12) of 2021

Capital Markets Authority Decision No. (122) of 2021 regarding the Registration of Mr. Ali Badr Abdullah Al-Wazzan in the Auditors' Register

Capital Markets Authority Decision No. (122) of 2021 regarding the Registration of Mr. Ali Badr Abdullah Al-Wazzan in the Auditors' Register

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (2) of 2022 regarding Payment of Return on financial instruments eligible for listing in the Additional First Tranche of the Capital Base

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (2) of 2022 regarding Payment of Return on financial instruments eligible for listing in the Additional First Tranche of the Capital Base

Amiri Resolution No. (18) of 2021 appointing the Board of Directors of the Qatar Central Bank

Amiri Resolution No. (18) of 2021

Decree No. (36) of 2021 imposing final anti-dumping customs duties on some paper and paperboard products

Decree No. (36) of 2021 imposing final anti-dumping customs duties on some paper and paperboard products

Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2021 issuing the Tables of Sub-Excise Goods Names and the Harmonized System Code for each of them

Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2021 issuing the Tables of Sub-Excise Goods Names and the Harmonized System Code for each of them

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (GAC/MRH/2021/51) of 2021 regarding the Guarantees Provided by Companies Joining the Authorized Economic Operator

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (GAC/MRH/2021/51) of 2021 regarding the Guarantees Provided by Companies Joining the Authorized Economic Operator

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (GAC/MRH/45/2021) of 2021 regarding the Application of the Use of Pallets in Shipping Goods When Transported Between the GCC Arab States

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (GAC/MRH/45/2021) of 2021 regarding the Application of the Use of Pallets in Shipping Goods When Transported Between the GCC Arab States

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (14) of 2021 regarding the prohibition of monopolistic practices in bank contracts with money transfer operators

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (14) of 2021

Minister of Finance Resolution No. (10) of 2021 regarding the regulations for exempting diplomatic and consular bodies, international organizations, heads and members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to the state from selective tax

Minister of Finance Resolution No. (10) of 2021 regarding the regulations for exempting diplomatic and consular bodies, international organizations, heads and members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to the state from selective tax

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Decision No. (2) of 2021 to amend the Financial Services Regulations issued by Decision No. (5) of 2019

The title of Annex 3 of the Financial Sercives Law, which mentioned, shall be replaced to the follwoing:

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Resolution No. (1) of 2021 amending the rules for margin trading issued by Resolution No. (4) of 2019

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Resolution No. (1) of 2021

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Decision No. 05 of 2020 issuing special controls for the purchase of listed joint stock companies for their shares for the purpose of employee incentive programs

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Decision No. 05 of 2020 issuing special controls for the purchase of listed joint stock companies for their shares for the purpose of employee incentive programs

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Decision No. (04) of 2020 to issue a law for offering and listing securities in the financial markets

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board Decision No. (04) of 2020 to issue a law for offering and listing securities in the financial markets

The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (4) of 2020 promulgating the system for offering and listing securities in the financial markets

The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (4) of 2020

Cabinet Resolution No. (1) of 2021 Regarding Establishing the Technical Advisory Committee For Classifying and Evaluating Contractors, Suppliers and Service Providers

It shall enter into force as of the date of its issuance, and it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Finance Minister Decision No. (2) of 2021 to establish two customs departments in the Ras Boufintas and Umm Al-Houl regions

Finance Minister Decision No. (2) of 2021 to establish two customs departments in the Ras Boufintas and Umm Al-Houl regions

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 1) of 2021 Regarding the guide to implementing targeted financial sanctions related to preventing the financing of terrorism and preventing the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 1) of 2021

General Authority of Customs Chairman Decision No. (3) of 2020 amending Decision No. (6) of 2005 Regarding the Release of Goods Before Customs Duties Are Paid

General Authority of Customs Chairman Decision No. (3) of 2020

Law No. (22) of 2020 approving the state budget for the fiscal year 2021

Law No. (22) of 2020 approving the state budget for the fiscal year 2021

Finance Minister Decision No. (17) of 2020 regarding tax directives

Finance Minister Decision No. (17) of 2020 regarding tax directives

Chairman of the General Authority of Customs Decision No. (2) of 2020 Regarding the application of customs declaration to funds transferred across borders

Chairman of the General Authority of Customs Decision No. (2) of 2020

The rules of dealing on the Qatar Stock Exchange issued in the fifteenth issue on September 20, 2020

The rules of dealing on the Qatar Stock Exchange issued in the fifteenth issue on September 20, 2020

Decree No. (73) of 2020 ratifying a memorandum of understanding for economic, commercial and technical cooperation between the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs in the Republic of Austria

Decree No. (73) of 2020 ratifying a memorandum of understanding for economic, commercial and technical cooperation between the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs in the Republic of Austria

Prime Minister Decision No. (6) of 2020 amending some provisions of Prime Minister Decision No. (10) of 2017 naming the head and members of the State Projects Funding Policies Committee

Prime Minister Decision No. (6) of 2020 amending some provisions of Prime Minister Decision No. (10) of 2017 naming the head and members of the State Projects Funding Policies Committee

Resolution of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and the submission of the master file and the local file

Resolution of the President of the General Tax Authority No. (4) of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and the submission of the master file and the local file

Decision of the President of the General Tax Authority No. 4 of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and the submission of the main file and the local file

Decision of the President of the General Tax Authority No. 4 of 2020 regarding the authorization of transfer pricing and the submission of the main file and the local file

Council of ministers Decision No. 21 of 2020 amending some provisions of Resolution No. 30 of 2017 establishing the State Projects Funding Policies Committee

Council of ministers Decision No. 21 of 2020 amending some provisions of Resolution No. 30 of 2017 establishing the State Projects Funding Policies Committee

Decree No. (62) of 2020 ratifying an agreement for cooperation in the field of developing public financial management between the governments of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Turkey

an agreement for cooperation in the field of developing public financial management

Decree No. (61) of 2020 to guarantee the government of the State of Qatar financial obligations arising from loan agreements and financial facilities concluded by Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (14) of 2020 regarding the guiding principles for combating the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (14) of 2020

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (19) of 2020 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (36) of 2014 establishing the National Committee for the Customs Clearance law (Single Window)

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (19) of 2020 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (36) of 2014 establishing the National Committee for the Customs Clearance law (Single Window)

Decree No. (58) of 2020 ratifying an agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Kingdom of Morocco regarding the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion with regard to income taxes and the protocol attached thereto

ratifying an agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Kingdom of Morocco

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R/13) of 2020 regarding financial services provided to customers with disabilities

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R/13) of 2020

The Council Of Ministers Resolution No. (17) of 2020 to form two tax grievance committees, organize their work, grievance procedures before them, and determine their remuneration

The Council Of Ministers Resolution No. (17) of 2020 to form two tax grievance committees, organize their work, grievance procedures before them, and determine their remuneration

Qatar Financial Market Authority Board Decision No. (2) of 2020 amending some provisions of the rules for listing fund units issued by Resolution No. (1) of 2019

Qatar Financial Market Authority Board Decision No. (2) of 2020 amending some provisions of the rules for listing fund units issued by Resolution No. (1) of 2019

Emiri Decision No. 19 of 2020 amending some provisions of Emiri Resolution No. 7 of 2017 regarding the organizational structure of the Audit Bureau

Emiri Decision No. 19 of 2020 amending some provisions of Emiri Resolution No. 7 of 2017 regarding the organizational structure of the Audit Bureau

Emiri Decision No. (20) of 2020 restructuring the Board of Directors of the Qatar Fund for Development

Emiri Decision No. (20) of 2020 restructuring the Board of Directors of the Qatar Fund for Development

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2020 regarding the executive regulations of Law No. (1) of 2020 regarding the unified economic registry

Cabinet Resolution No. (12) of 2020 regarding the executive regulations of Law No. (1) of 2020 regarding the unified economic registry

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A R/12) of 2020 Regarding Credit Granted for Commercial Purposes

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A R/12) of 2020

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (10) of 2020 Regarding Banking Services for Domestic Workers

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (10) of 2020

Law No. (8) of 2020 regulating the profession of auditing

Law No. (8) of 2020 regulating the profession of auditing

Resolution of the Minister of Finance No. (7) of 2020 regarding the rules for evidence the origin of imported goods

Resolution of the Minister of Finance No. (7) of 2020 regarding the rules for evidence the origin of imported goods

Qatar Central Bank Circular dated 5/2/2021 Regarding the controls for practicing financial brokerage activity in the Qatar Stock Exchange

Qatar Central Bank Circular dated 5/2/2021

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (2) of 2020 Regarding the instructions for bounced checks (due to lack of or insufficient balance)

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (2) of 2020

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 46) of 2019 regarding virtual assets and virtual asset service providers

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 46) of 2019

Prime Minister Decision No. 33 of 2019 on amending some provisions of Resolution No. 13 of 2017 on establishing the Technical Committee to Motivate and Participate the Private Sector in Economic Development Projects

Prime Minister Decision No. 33 of 2019 on amending some provisions of Resolution No. 13 of 2017 on establishing the Technical Committee to Motivate and Participate the Private Sector in Economic Development Projects

Law No. (26) of 2019 approving the state’s general budget for fiscal year 2020

Law No. (26) of 2019 approving the state’s general budget for fiscal year 2020

Law No. (26) of 2019 approving the state’s general budget for fiscal year 2020

Law No. (26) of 2019 approving the state’s general budget for fiscal year 2020

Cabinet Resolution No. (39) Of 2019 issuing the executive regulations of the Income Tax Law promulgated by Law No. (24) of 2018

Cabinet Resolution No. (39) Of 2019 issuing the executive regulations of the Income Tax Law promulgated by Law No. (24) of 2018

Decision of the Minister of Trade and Industry No. (98) of 2019 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (169) of 2011 to form a committee to set the maximum prices and profit rates

Decision of the Minister of Trade and Industry No. (98) of 2019 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (169) of 2011 to form a committee to set the maximum prices and profit rates

Cabinet Resolution No. (38) of 2019 on appointing the administrative units that make up the General Authority for taxes and specify its powers

Cabinet Resolution No. (38) of 2019 on appointing the administrative units that make up the General Authority for taxes and specify its powers

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (38) of 2019 appointing the administrative units that make up the General Tax Authority and defining its functions

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (38) of 2019 appointing the administrative units that make up the General Tax Authority and defining its functions

Decree No. (45) of 2019 regarding the unified customs tariff

Decree No. (45) of 2019

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 42) of 2019 regarding the unified form for letters of guarantee on demand

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 42) of 2019

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (7) of 2019 amending some provisions of the working procedures of the Commission’s investigation committee issued by Resolution No. (3) of 2009

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (7) of 2019 amending some provisions of the working procedures of the Commission’s investigation committee issued by Resolution No. (3) of 2009

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 38) of 2019 regarding the controls relating to the dealings of banks with money transfer operators

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 38) of 2019

Cabinet Resolution No. (22) Of 2019 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (32) of 2013 naming the Chairman and members of the Grievance Committee of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Cabinet Resolution No. (22) Of 2019 amending some provisions of Resolution No. (32) of 2013 naming the Chairman and members of the Grievance Committee of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (3) Of 2019 regarding the amendment of the Market Maker’s activity rules issued in Resolution No. (4) of 2017

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (3) Of 2019 regarding the amendment of the Market Maker’s activity rules issued in Resolution No. (4) of 2017

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (4) of 2019 issuing margin trading rules

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (4) of 2019 issuing margin trading rules

Tax Authority Resolution No. 7 of 2019 regarding penalties for violating reporting obligations for each country separately

Tax Authority Resolution No. 7 of 2019 regarding penalties for violating reporting obligations for each country separately

Tax Authority Resolution No. 8 of 2019 regarding penalties for violating obligations related to the application of the common standard of reporting

Tax Authority Resolution No. 8 of 2019 regarding penalties for violating obligations related to the application of the common standard of reporting

Council of Ministers Decision No. 16 of 2019 to issue the executive regulations of the Law for Regulating Tenders and Auctions issued by Law No. 24 of 2015

Council of Ministers Decision No. 16 of 2019 to issue the executive regulations of the Law for Regulating Tenders and Auctions issued by Law No. 24 of 2015

Ministry of Finance Decision No. 16 of 2019 regarding reports for each country separately

Ministry of Finance Decision No. 16 of 2019 regarding reports for each country separately

Ministry of Finance Decision No. 17 of 2019 to implement the common standard for reporting

Ministry of Finance Decision No. 17 of 2019 to implement the common standard for reporting

The decision of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. 2 of 2019 issuing governance law for listed funds

Article 2 All persons concerned with the provisions of this law shall regularize their status according to its provisions within six months from the date of its coming into force. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may extend this period for another similar period.

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Resolution No. (05) of 2019 on the issuance of the Financial Services Law

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Resolution No. (05) of 2019 on the issuance of the Financial Services Law

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (1) of 2019 issuing the rules for the listing of fund units

The Resolution According to the Latest Amendment - The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (1) of 2019

Council of Ministers Resolution No (14) of 2019 Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution No (30) of 2017 Establishing a Committee for Policies for Financing State Projects

Article (2) All competent authorities, each within its jurisdiction, shall implement this resolution. It shall come into effect from the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette

QCB Governor Resolution No. (10) of 2019 approving the final approval of the merger of Barwa Bank and Qatar International Bank

QCB Governor Resolution No. (10) of 2019 approving the final approval of the merger of Barwa Bank and Qatar International Bank

Decision of the Committee to Set the Maximum Prices and Profit Ratios No. (1) of 2019 Concerning the List of Discounted Prices of the Holy Month of Ramadan in 2019/1440 AH

Decision of the Committee to Set the Maximum Prices and Profit Ratios No. (1) of 2019 Concerning the List of Discounted Prices of the Holy Month of Ramadan in 2019/1440 AH

Ministry of Commerce and Industry Resolution No. (28) of 2019 transforming the company / Barwa Bank from a Qatari joint stock company to a private Qatari shareholding company

Ministry of Commerce and Industry Resolution No. (28) of 2019

Amiri Decree No. (15) of 2019 with the additional approval No. (2) for the general budget of the State for the fiscal year 2014-2015

Amiri Decree No. (15) of 2019 with the additional approval No. (2) for the general budget of the State for the fiscal year 2014-2015

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 5 of 2019 issuing the Executive Regulation of Law No. 25 of 2018 on Selective Tax

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 5 of 2019 issuing the Executive Regulation of Law No. 25 of 2018 on Selective Tax

Emiri Resolution No. (10) of 2019 on the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance

Emiri Resolution No. (10) of 2019 on the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance

The Resolution of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. (04) of 2018 Amending the Regulation of the Offering of Securities Management in the Main Market Issued by Resolution No. (3) of 2010

The Resolution of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. (04) of 2018 Amending the Regulation of the Offering of Securities Management in the Main Market Issued by Resolution No. (3) of 2010

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (05) of 2018 Concerning the Amendment of Resolution No. (2) of 2011 Issuing the Listing and Enrollment of Securities in the Second Market

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (05) of 2018 Concerning the Amendment of Resolution No. (2) of 2011 Issuing the Listing and Enrollment of Securities in the Second Market

Amiri Decree No. (8) of 2019 amending Amiri Decree No. (7) of 2017 on the Organizational Structure of the Audit Bureau

Amiri Decree No. (8) of 2019 amending Amiri Decree No. (7) of 2017 on the Organizational Structure of the Audit Bureau

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qatar Development Fund Resolution No. (2) of 2019 establishing and forming a committee for tenders and auctions in Qatar Development Fund

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qatar Development Fund Resolution No. (2) of 2019

The Statutes Amended for The Statutes (of Qatari Algerian Investment Company) is a Qatari private joint stock company

The Statutes Amended for The Statutes (of Qatari Algerian Investment Company) is a Qatari private joint stock company

Law No. (24) of 2018 issuing of the Tax on the Income Law

Law No. (24) of 2018

Law No. (25) of 2018 Regarding the selective tax

Law No. (25) of 2018

Law No. (23) of 2018 approving of the budget of the State for the fiscal year 2019

Law No. (23) of 2018

Minister of Economy and Trade Resolution No. (244) of 2018 regarding the transformation of "Al Shaheen G. E. Services" from a Qatari public shareholding company to a Qatari Private Shareholding Company

Minister of Economy and Trade Resolution No. (244) of 2018

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. (5) of 2016 Issuing the Governance Code for Companies and Legal Entities Listed on the Main Market

law of governance for companies and legal entities listed on the main market issued by Resolution No. (5) of 2016

General Authority of Customs Chairman Decision No. (8) of 2016 Regarding Warehouses for Cars

General Authority of Customs Chairman Decision No. (8) of 2016

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (2) of 2015 Amending Certian Provisions of Decision No. (2) of 2014 Issuing the Mergers and Acquisitions Rules

Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (2) of 2015

The Decision According to the Latest Amendment - Qatar Financial Markets Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (2) of 2014 Issuing the Mergers and Acquisitions Rules

merger and acquisition law issued by Resolution No. (2) of 2014

Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2013 amending some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Customs Law issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 2004

Cabinet Resolution No. (9) of 2013 amending some provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Customs Law issued by Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 2004

The Governor of Central Bank of Qatar Resolution No. (5) of 2008 Regarding the establishment of Qatar Credit Information Centre

The Governor of Central Bank of Qatar Resolution No. (5) of 2008

The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (1) of 2008 promulgating the regulations of the Authority

The Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority Resolution No. (1) of 2008

Amiri Decree No 5 of 2018 on amending specific provisions of Amiri Decree No 14 of 2017 about appointing the Board of Directors of Qatar Central Bank

Amiri Decree No 5 of 2018 on amending specific provisions of Amiri Decree No 14 of 2017 about appointing the Board of Directors of Qatar Central Bank

Federal Law No 2 of 2018 concerning the linkage of the federal budget and the budgets of the independent entities for the financial year 2018

Federal Law No 2 of 2018 concerning the linkage of the federal budget and the budgets of the independent entities for the financial year 2018

Council of Ministers Decision No. 4 of 2018 on the formation of a committee concerned with financial restructuring

Council of Ministers Decision No. 4 of 2018 on the formation of a committee concerned with financial restructuring

The Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 4/TM of 2018 regarding the amendment of the authority 's Chairman of the board of direct Decision No 43/R of 2008 about Joint Listing

The Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 4/TM of 2018 regarding the amendment of the authority 's Chairman of the board of direct Decision No 43/R of 2008 about Joint Listing

The Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 4/TM of 2018 regarding the amendment of the authority 's Chairman of the board of direct Decision No 43/R of 2008 about Joint Listing

The Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 4/TM of 2018 regarding the amendment of the authority 's Chairman of the board of direct Decision No 43/R of 2008 about Joint Listing

the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 5/tm of 2018 on the imposition of sanctions

the Board of Directors of the Securities and Commodities Authority Decree No 5/tm of 2018 on the imposition of sanctions

Decree-by-Law No. 21 of 2017 concerning the amendment of some provisions of Law No. 34 of 2005 about duty-free investment zones

Decree-by-Law No. 21 of 2017 concerning the amendment of some provisions of Law No. 34 of 2005 about duty-free investment zones

Amiri Decree 24 of 2017 about the formation of the Board of Directors concerning the Duty-Free Zones Authority

Amiri Decree 24 of 2017 about the formation of the Board of Directors concerning the Duty-Free Zones Authority

Amiri Decree No. 14 of 2017 regarding the appointment of the Board of Directors of Qatar Central Bank

Amiri Decree No. 14 of 2017 regarding the appointment of the Board of Directors of Qatar Central Bank

The Prime Minister Decision No. 13 of 2017 about the institution of the Technical Committee to stimulate the participation of the private sector in economic development projects

The Prime Minister Decision No. 13 of 2017 about the institution of the Technical Committee to stimulate the participation of the private sector in economic development projects

The Prime Minister Decree No. 7 of 2017 about the modification of the Maximum Contractual Value by the Practice or Direct Agreement

The Prime Minister Decree No. 7 of 2017 about the modification of the Maximum Contractual Value by the Practice or Direct Agreement

The Prime Minister Decision No. 9 of 2017 about The Ministerial Group for the Motivation and the Participate of the Private Sector in the Economic Development Projects

The Prime Minister Decision No. 9 of 2017 about The Ministerial Group for the Motivation and the Participate of the Private Sector in the Economic Development Projects

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 1 of 2017 on Issuing the Regulations for the Conversion of Companies to Public Shareholding Corporations for the purpose of listing them in the Financial Market

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 1 of 2017 on Issuing the Regulations for the Conversion of Companies to Public Shareholding Corporations for the purpose of listing them in the Financial Market

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 2 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the Regulation concerning the Offering and Listing of Securities issued under Resolution No. 3 of 2010

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 2 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the Regulation concerning the Offering and Listing of Securities issued under Resolution No. 3 of 2010

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 3 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the "Offering and Listing of Securities in the Second Market" Regulation issued by a decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. 2 of 2011

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 3 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the "Offering and Listing of Securities in the Second Market" Regulation issued by a decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. 2 of 2011

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 4 of 2017 on Issuing the "Market Maker Rules"

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 4 of 2017 on Issuing the "Market Maker Rules"

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 5 of 2017 on the Issuance of the Operating Procedures for the Exchange Traded Funds" - "Bulk Selling Process Procedures"

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 5 of 2017 on the Issuance of the Operating Procedures for the Exchange Traded Funds" - "Bulk Selling Process Procedures"

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 6 of 2017 on the issuance of the Controls concerning the Shares of Employee Stimulation in Listed Shareholding Companies through Shareholding in the Listed Company

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 6 of 2017 on the issuance of the Controls concerning the Shares of Employee Stimulation in Listed Shareholding Companies through Shareholding in the Listed Company

The Cabinet of Ministers Decision No. 16 of 2017 regarding the nomination of the Chairman and members of the Technical Committee incharge of the stimulation and the participation of the private sector in economic development projects

The Cabinet of Ministers Decision No. 16 of 2017 regarding the nomination of the Chairman and members of the Technical Committee incharge of the stimulation and the participation of the private sector in economic development projects

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 3 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the "Offering and Listing of Securities in the Second Market" Regulation issued by a decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. 2 of 2011

The Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority Decision No. 3 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the "Offering and Listing of Securities in the Second Market" Regulation issued by a decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. 2 of 2011

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 27 of 2017 Concerning the Institution of the Technical Committee for the Study of Indicators of International Reports on the Business Environment in the State of Qatar

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 27 of 2017 Concerning the Institution of the Technical Committee for the Study of Indicators of International Reports on the Business Environment in the State of Qatar

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 36 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of Resolution No. 18 of 2011 regarding the nomination and the appointment of the Chairman and members of the Tax Exemption Committee and the determination its remunerations

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 36 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of Resolution No. 18 of 2011 regarding the nomination and the appointment of the Chairman and members of the Tax Exemption Committee and the determination its remunerations

Ministry of Finance Decree No. 1 of 2017 on Determining the fees for tender documents, auctions and rates concerning the issuance of certificates of classification

Ministry of Finance Decree No. 1 of 2017 on Determining the fees for tender documents, auctions and rates concerning the issuance of certificates of classification

Ministry of Finance Decree No. 9 of 2017 concerning the Determination of categories regarding the fees for customs services provided by the General Authority of Customs

Ministry of Finance Decree No. 9 of 2017 concerning the Determination of categories regarding the fees for customs services provided by the General Authority of Customs

Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. 433 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 410 of 2014 on Determining fees for services related to the protection of intellectual property rights

Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. 433 of 2017 regarding the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 410 of 2014 on Determining fees for services related to the protection of intellectual property rights

The Amended Statute of the Commercial Bank, notarised by the number 28873/2017 on 22/5/2017 "Qatari Public Shareholding Company."

The Amended Statute of the Commercial Bank, notarised by the number 28873/2017 on 22/5/2017 "Qatari Public Shareholding Company."

The Amended Statute of Gulf Commercial Bank, notarised by No. 18429/2017 on 3/4/2017"a Qatari Public Shareholding Company"

The Amended Statute of Gulf Commercial Bank, notarised by No. 18429/2017 on 3/4/2017"a Qatari Public Shareholding Company"

The Amended Statute of the National Bank, notarized by No. 51655/2017 dated 16/10/2017

The Amended Statute of the National Bank, notarized by No. 51655/2017 dated 16/10/2017

The amended Articles of Association of Qatar District Cooling Company - a Qatari private shareholding company - and notarised by the number 36370/2017 dated 11/7/2017 issued by the Ministry of Economy and Trade Decree No. 99 of 2003 regarding the establishment of Qatar District Cooling Company - A Qatari Joint stock company

The amended Articles of Association of Qatar District Cooling Company - a Qatari private shareholding company - and notarised by the number 36370/2017 dated 11/7/2017 issued by the Ministry of Economy and Trade Decree No. 99 of 2003 regarding the establishment of Qatar District Cooling Company - A Qatari Joint stock company

The Amended Statute of Doha Bank, a Qatari public shareholding company, registered in No. 35589/2017 dated 6/7/2017 issued by Decree No. 51 of 1979 regarding the establishment of a Qatari shareholding company under the title "Doha Bank Limited"

The Amended Statute of Doha Bank, a Qatari public shareholding company, registered in No. 35589/2017 dated 6/7/2017 issued by Decree No. 51 of 1979 regarding the establishment of a Qatari shareholding company under the title "Doha Bank Limited"

The Amended Statute of Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Company, which is registered on 21/4/2017, 201129/2017 a Qatari Public Shareholding Company

The Amended Statute of Qatar General Insurance and Reinsurance Company, which is registered on 21/4/2017, 201129/2017 a Qatari Public Shareholding Company

The Amended Statute of the Qatari Industrial Manufacturing Company

The Amended Statute of the Qatari Industrial Manufacturing Company

The Statute of Qatar International Bank QSC

The Statute of Qatar International Bank QSC

Circular No. 18/2017 on Credits Concentrations

Circular No. 18/2017 on Credits Concentrations

Circular No. 15-2017 on increasing the rate of deposit and lending

Circular No. 15-2017 on increasing the rate of deposit and lending

Circular No. 9/2017 concerning the Guidelines for the Application of IFRS No. 9 regarding the Accounting Standard, Measurement and Valuation of Financial Assets and Liabilities and Derivatives

Circular No. 9/2017 concerning the Guidelines for the Application of IFRS No. 9 regarding the Accounting Standard, Measurement and Valuation of Financial Assets and Liabilities and Derivatives

Circular No. 5-2017 concerning the acquisition of shares or contributions to the capital of insurance brokers

Circular No. 5-2017 concerning the acquisition of shares or contributions to the capital of insurance brokers

Circular No. 6-2017 regarding standard controls for insurance coverage of mechanical vehicles

Circular No. 6-2017 regarding standard controls for insurance coverage of mechanical vehicles

Circular No. 7-2017 on Standardized controls for principles and standards concerning the issuance of insurance policies and the protection of customers

Circular No. 7-2017 on Standardized controls for principles and standards concerning the issuance of insurance policies and the protection of customers

Circular No. 8-2017 on the Executive Instructions for Determining the Rates and Conditions for the Ownership of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies listed on the Stock Exchange

Circular No. 8-2017 on the Executive Instructions for Determining the Rates and Conditions for the Ownership of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies listed on the Stock Exchange

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 16/2017 on the Key Data for Insurance Companies Registration

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 16/2017 on the Key Data for Insurance Companies Registration

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 20/2017 on borrowing from the regional or international market

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 20/2017 on borrowing from the regional or international market

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 73/2017 on Granting Credit in a Foreign Currency

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 73/2017 on Granting Credit in a Foreign Currency

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 78/2017 on the Practice of Liquidity and Market Maker Activities

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 78/2017 on the Practice of Liquidity and Market Maker Activities

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 84/2017 on Granting Foreign Currency Credit in and Outside the State of Qatar

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 84/2017 on Granting Foreign Currency Credit in and Outside the State of Qatar

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 79/2017 about the Banks borrowing from domestic or international markets

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 79/2017 about the Banks borrowing from domestic or international markets

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 24/2017 on 1. the Recording of Customer Data and Mechanical Vehicle Data in Insurance Documents 2. Compliance with compulsory insurance rates on mechanical vehicles

Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. 24/2017 on 1. the Recording of Customer Data and Mechanical Vehicle Data in Insurance Documents 2. Compliance with compulsory insurance rates on mechanical vehiclesCentral Bank of Qatar Circular No. 24/2017 on 1. the Recording of Customer Data and Mechanical Vehicle Data in Insurance Documents 2. Compliance with compulsory insurance rates on mechanical vehicles

President of the General Authority for Customs Decree No. 1 of 2018 about the controls and procedures of "the import with an intending to re-export."

President of the General Authority for Customs Decree No. 1 of 2018 about the controls and procedures of "the import with an intending to re-export."

Circular No. 8/2018 about the revaluation of fixed assets

Circular No. 8/2018 about the revaluation of fixed assets

Circular No. 6/2018 about the dealing in Bit-Coin Currency

Circular No. 6/2018 about the dealing in Bit-Coin Currency

Circular No. 6 of 2018 on Bit-Coin dealing

Circular No. 6 of 2018 on Bit-Coin dealing

Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. 63 of 2005 about the founding of a private Qatari joint stock company under the name "the National Company for Medical Projects."

Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. 63 of 2005 about the founding of a private Qatari joint stock company under the name "the National Company for Medical Projects."

Amended Statutes of Qatar Insurance Company (a Qatari Public Shareholding Company)

Amended Statutes of Qatar Insurance Company (a Qatari Public Shareholding Company)

A guide touching our approach facing the organisation

A guide touching our approach facing the organisation

Directory of Financial Services Systems

Directory of Financial Services Systems

Insurance Companies Guide

Insurance Companies Guide

President of the General Authority of Customs Decree No. 1 of 2018 about import controls and procedures for re-export

President of the General Authority of Customs Decree No. 1 of 2018 about import controls and procedures for re-export

The Amended Statutes that is notarised by the number (35589/2017) dated 12/9/2018, of the "Doha Bank Company" - a Qatari public shareholding company

The Amended Statutes that is notarised by the number (35589/2017) dated 12/9/2018, of the "Doha Bank Company" - a Qatari public shareholding company

Law No. 14 of 2018 on the unified economic registry

Law No. 14 of 2018 on the unified economic registry

The Amended Statutes In respect of Qatar Airways, a private Qatari shareholding company, under the provisions of Article 68 of the Commercial Companies Law issued under Law No. 5 of 2002

The Amended Statutes In respect of Qatar Airways, a private Qatari shareholding company, under the provisions of Article 68 of the Commercial Companies Law issued under Law No. 5 of 2002

The Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. (R/15) of 2017 on the basics and policies for the granting of bonuses and incentives within insurance companies

The Central Bank of Qatar Circular No. (R/15) of 2017

A Guide to Corporate Governance concerning Authorized Companies in Qatar Financial Centre

A Guide to Corporate Governance concerning Authorized Companies in Qatar Financial Centre

A Guide to Group Mutual Funds System at Qatar Financial Centre

A Guide to Group Mutual Funds System at Qatar Financial Centre

Decision of the Minister of Commerce and Industry No. 45 of 2019 Amending Certain Provisions of Resolution No. (3) of 1992 Organizing indicative works to sell goods in the Central Market

, It has been decided as follows: Article 1: The words “Ministry of Municipal and Environment” shall be replaced by “Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture” and “Competent Department” with “Administration” wherever mentioned by the Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. 3 of 1992 referred to.

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (ER13) of 2019 on Qatar Central Bank Resolution No. (7) of 2019 Issuing instructions for licensing the support services providers, organizing their work and supervising them

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (ER13) of 2019 on Qatar Central Bank Resolution No. (7) of 2019 Issuing instructions for licensing the support services providers, organizing their work and supervising them

The amended Memorandum of Association and Article of Association of Astad company for Engineering Consulting and Project Management "Astad" (a private Qatari joint stock company)

The amended Memorandum of Association and Article of Association of Astad company for Engineering Consulting and Project Management "Astad" (a private Qatari joint stock company)

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (6) of 2022 regarding Disclosure Conditions according to the Latest Version of the Basel Committee (the Third Pillar)

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (6) of 2022 regarding Disclosure Conditions according to the Latest Version of the Basel Committee (the Third Pillar)

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (HAJ/MRH/2021/70) of 2021 regarding the Period During which the Detailed Certificate of Origin Must be Submitted

General Authority of Customs Circular No. (HAJ/MRH/2021/70) of 2021 regarding the Period During which the Detailed Certificate of Origin Must be Submitted

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (10) of 2022 regarding the Amendments to Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Resources Ratio

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (10) of 2022 regarding the Amendments to Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Resources Ratio

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (11) of 2022 regarding the Method of Calculating the Capital Base

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (11) of 2022 regarding the Method of Calculating the Capital Base

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (9) of 2022 regarding the Amendments to the Ratio of Credit to Deposit

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (9) of 2022 regarding the Amendments to the Ratio of Credit to Deposit

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 25 of 2022 regarding the Governance Instructions in Banks

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. 25 of 2022 regarding the Governance Instructions in Banks

Payment Services Regulations (Licensing and Regulating Payment Services Providers) issued by Qatar Central Bank for the year 2021

Payment Services Regulations (Licensing and Regulating Payment Services Providers) issued by Qatar Central Bank for the year 2021

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 47) of 2020 Regarding the issuance of financial instruments eligible for inclusion in the first additional class of the capital base and their offering in international markets

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 47) of 2020 Regarding the issuance of financial instruments eligible for inclusion in the first additional class of the capital base and their offering in international markets

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 25) of 2020 Regarding the dealings of board members and senior executives with the bank

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 25) of 2020 Regarding the dealings of board members and senior executives with the bank

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 18) of 2020 Regarding updating supplementary guidelines for combating money laundering and terrorist financing

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 18) of 2020 Regarding updating supplementary guidelines for combating money laundering and terrorist financing

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 40) of 2020 Regarding the transactions of companies operating in Qatari free zones

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (A.R 40) of 2020 Regarding the transactions of companies operating in Qatari free zones

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (24) of 2020 Regarding the guiding principles for combating the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Qatar Central Bank Circular No. (24) of 2020 Regarding the guiding principles for combating the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Customs Law promulgated by Law No. (40) of 2002

Customs Law promulgated by Law No. (40) of 2002

Amiri Resolution No. (37) of 2014 pertaining establishment of the General Authority of Customs

Amiri Resolution No. (37) of 2014 pertaining establishment of the General Authority of Customs

Executive Regulation of the Customs Law Issued by The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (21) of 2004

Executive Regulation of the Customs Law Issued by The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (21) of 2004

The Law Regulating Tenders and Auctions promulgated by Law No. (24) of 2015

The Law Regulating Tenders and Auctions promulgated by Law No. (24) of 2015

Decree-Law No. (18) of 2018

Decree-Law No. (18) of 2018

the executive regulation of the law regulating tenders and auctions issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (16) of 2019

the executive regulation of the law regulating tenders and auctions issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (16) of 2019

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) of 2022

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (11) of 2022

Prime Minister Resolution No. (17) of 2023 Regarding Tenders and Auctions Committee of the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs

Prime Minister Resolution No. (17) of 2023 Regarding Tenders and Auctions Committee of the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs

Law No. (8) of 2012 concerning the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Law No. (8) of 2012 concerning the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Law No. (24) of 2015 on the Regulation of Tenders and Bids

Law No. (24) of 2015 on the Regulation of Tenders and Bids

Decree-law No.(18) of 2018 amending some provisions of law of Tenders and Auctions issued by law No.(24) of 2015

Decree-law No.(18) of 2018 amending some provisions of law of Tenders and Auctions issued by law No.(24) of 2015

Resolution No. (23) of 2023 Regarding the Establishment of the Tenders and Auctions  Committee at the Ministry of Transport

The Committee shall apply the provisions, rules, and procedures stipulated in the referred to Law on the Regulation of Tenders and Auctions and its Executive Regulation.

Decree-Law No. (22) of 2018 amending some provisions of Law No. (8) of 2012 on Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Decree-Law No. (22) of 2018 amending some provisions of Law No. (8) of 2012 on Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority No. (7) of 2023 Concerning the controls for distributing profits in joint-stock companies listed in Financial markets

The controls for distributing profits in joint stock companies listed on the financial markets attached hereto, shall be implemented.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (24) of 2023 Issuing the Regulations for Tenders and Bids in the Amiri Diwan

All relevant authorities, each within its jurisdiction, shall implement this Resolution. It shall come into force from the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.

Law No. (10) of 2023 Amending the Customs Law Promulgated by Law No. (40) of 2002

Law No. (10) of 2023 Amending the Customs Law Promulgated by Law No. (40) of 2002

Amiri Resolution No. (68) of 2021 appointing the Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Amiri Resolution No. (68) of 2021 appointing the Board of Directors of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority

Qatar Financial Center Law promulgated by Law No. (7) of 2005

Qatar Financial Center Law promulgated by Law No. (7) of 2005

Qatar Central Bank Law and the Regulation of Financial Institutions promulgated by Law No. (13) of 2012

Qatar Central Bank Law and the Regulation of Financial Institutions promulgated by Law No. (13) of 2012